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OFCCP Issues First Section 503 Focused Reviews Annual Report

By OutSolve - Jan 21, 2021 9:29:56 AM - 2 MINS READ

OFCCP will continue to schedule focused reviews from the FY 2019 list before moving to the FY 2020 list

OFCCP published the first Section 503 Focused Reviews Annual Report right after announcing the Certificate of Merit awards for Section 503 focused reviews. The 22 page report covers the following topics:

  • Background of Section 503 rulemaking, focused review program, disability utilization goals
  • Section 503 focused reviews in practice - selection and scheduling, compliance assistance
  • Section 503 focused review results
  • Best practices
  • Resources
  • Contractor recognition
  • Future of Section 503 focused reviews

Focused Review Results Summary

Of the 500 contractors scheduled for Section 503 focused reviews, at the end of FY 2020 OFCCP completed 170 (50%) of the 341 (68%) reviews scheduled from the FY 2019 scheduling list. The remaining contractors on the FY 2019 list will be notified of a review prior to OFCCP scheduling from the FY 2020 list.

Of the reviews conducted, the majority of the contractors who measure disability utilization by job group met the 7% utilization goal in at least one job group. Eight contractors met the goal in more than 50% of their job groups; however, no contractor met the goal in all job groups. Of the four smaller contractors that measure goals for the entire workforce, two met the 7% utilization goal.

OFCCP did not found any discrimination or reasonable accommodation violations; however, some contractors have entered into conciliation agreements for the following reasons:

  • Failure to conduct outreach and positive recruitment;
  • Failure to invite applicants and employees to self-identify;
  • Failure to document the comparisons of applicants and hires;
  • Failure to design and implement an acceptable audit and reporting system; and
  • Failure to develop and submit acceptable AAPs and support data.


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