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Announcing HR Gumbo Keynote Speaker: Lt. General Russel L. Honoré

We are pleased to announce that General Russel Honoré, a decorated 37-year army veteran and global authority on leadership and emergency preparedness, will be a featured keynote speaker at HR Gumbo. Known as the "Category 5 General" for his leadership during post-hurricane New Orleans, General Honoré offers invaluable insights into effective leadership in the 21st century. He is a straight talker giving common sense advice based on a lifetime of military leadership.

The General will define the new normal and illustrate how times are changing dramatically. What characterizes this new era is an interesting convergence of elements: the rapid, nearly instantaneous transmission of information, extreme population density; extraordinary interconnectedness and mutual dependency of businesses; the rise of terrorism; and the growing ranks of the poor. The General is one of many forward-thinking speakers who will inspire attendees at HR Gumbo.

He passes on valuable lessons he learned in the Army about some of the essentials of effective leadership: doing the routine things well, being willing to take on the seemingly impossible, and never being paralyzed into inaction by criticism or fear of it. HR Gumbo attendees will leave feeling energized and empowered. They will take away ideas on how to motivate employees, inject a sense of innovation into the workplace, and gain invaluable insights into effective leadership strategies for the modern world.

This session with General Russel Honoré promises to be one of the highlights of HR Gumbo. Join us on Wednesday, October 23rd in the main Arcadia Ballroom during our lunch break to be inspired by his wisdom and experience.

Secure your spot now and register early to ensure you don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity for professional development. Register here: HR Gumbo Registration
